PMPC169 - Wall Facing Handstand Push-Up

We are taking it back to another movement focused episode. This time, we are discussing one of the newest movements introduced at the CrossFit Games this past year: The Wall Facing Strict Handstand Push Up.

We talk about good technique surrounding the movement as well as how to build a solid foundation here. Dave Durante also throws out there what he believes would be the ideal competition standard for this specific movement.

Most importantly, Dave stresses why this movement is important to practice, even for those not intending to ever compete. Finally, Dave gives a prediction of where he believes competition is headed specifically as it pertains to the Handstand Push-Up.


This episode is sponsored by Assault Fitness.

Assault has been a part of our Power Monkey Camp for a long time.

We’ve incorporated their runners, bikes and rowers in our endurance sessions as well as our competitions and nightly workouts.  

Check out their full line up of machines at