Power Monkey Camp Documentary

This is Power Monkey Camp

A note from Shane Geraghty, Director of the film and Co-Owner of Power Monkey Camp 

 On the purpose of the film:

The goal of creating a mini-documentary about Power Monkey Camp was to highlight camp from the way we experience it from the inside. After hosting 11 camps, we’ve realized that the power of camp lies in the people attending, their stories, and the energy that results from their collective dedication to a week full of fitness and fun.

I really wanted to capture something that supported this special energy and highlighted some of the campers and staff in a way that felt genuine. I also wanted people to see that camp is truly for all levels (and mostly beginners) and not just CrossFit Games superstars. 

On the campers featured:
I had to pick who I’d be featuring before the camp started, and Pareesha was a first-time camper all the way from Mumbai, India. I thought her experience would be telling of someone who trusted their instincts to show up but might be nervous about the week with all its unknowns. Her curiosity and drive to improve herself was incredible to watch and is just one example of the many people who take a chance, show up, and give it their all. 
David Saldanah has been to camp before, and I realized that his story — going from hiding his medical condition to being one of its strongest advocates in his community — coupled with his amazingly positive outlook, would be impactful to watch. Plus, he's genuinely such a character and fun person to be around. 
Sam Dancer had never attended a Power Monkey Camp so I wanted to highlight the perspective of a high-level games athlete. Sam and his wife, Jenn, are open, generous people who care deeply about those around them. The way they shared their love for fitness made a big impact on everyone around them, taking the energy of the entire camp to the next level. 
On the process:
Getting to see Camp for the week through my camera lens was a special perspective, and one I hadn’t experienced before. I really didn’t have to look hard to find such incredible moments and people sharing their love of fitness with each other. I’m very proud of what we’ve made with Power Monkey Camp, and what it’s grown to embody. I’m truly honored. 
Special thanks to the media team and all of the people who participated in making this video. I’m very proud of it :)
- Shane Geraghty