Top 15 Ab Slider Workout Drills

Coach and former gymnast Nick Searcy demonstrates his top favorite core drills using furniture sliders. These drills will help to strengthen your core and stabilize your shoulders.

These exercises can also be done with socks on hardwood flooring.

Check out the video for the whole series. We've also included cues for each exercise (#TECHNIQUEMATTERS) and rep schemes below.  



Walking Plank:

  •   Maintain hollow body position (protracted scaps) 
  •   Fingers facing out to sides 
  •   Heels together (squeeze butt)
  •   Avoid twisting/rotating from hips.  Hips stay parallel to the ground

Rep Scheme: Walk 25ft forward/back x 3 rounds. 1 min rest btw rounds


Inchworm in Tuck/Pike:

  • Start/Finish in full plank on each rep
  • Tuck: Knees as deep into chest on each rep
  • Pike: Compress only as much as possible with straight knees
  • Knees/heels remain together throughout all reps
  • Slow controlled reps

Rep Scheme: 5 reps forward/back x 3 rounds (1 min rest btw rounds)


Walking Tuck/Pike Hold:

  •    Knees deep into chest
  •    Knees/heels together 
  •    Maintain hollow torso position 
  •   Pike: Feet as close to hands as possible with straight knees
  •   Pike: Drive hands into floor to help elongate spine/torso position
  •    Elbows locked with each hand placement

Rep Scheme: Walk 25ft forward/back x 3 rounds. 1 min rest btw rounds


Pike Compression to Extended Crab Hold:

  •     Start in L-Sit Position. Drive hips/feet back past hands as far as possible with straight knees.
  •    Then push hips/feet forward into extended crab position.  As high as possible with hips
  •     Knees/feet together throughout and knees remain locked out
  •   Control all ranges on each variation.  No need for fast reps

Rep Scheme: complete 10 reps of each variation x 5 rounds (rest as needed btw rounds)


Plank Single Arm Circles:

  • Initiate shift from of body follows.  Opposing hand creates circle once post arm is supporting weight.
  • Attempt circles in each direction.  As big of a circle as possible with each rep
  • Maintain hollow body position throughout all reps
  • Feet slightly separated for additional stability (together if wanting to increase difficulty)

Rep Scheme: 5 reps each arm/each direction x 5 rounds (rest as needed btw rounds)


Plank Single Arm Directional Shifts:

  • Minimal shift from shoulders (keep weight centered)
  • Extend as far as possible with each arm on each rep, while maintaining hollow body position
  • Change finger/hand position on each rep depending on the variation performing (as seen in video)
  • Feet slightly separated for additional stability (together if wanting to increase difficulty)

Rep Scheme: 5 reps each arm/each direction x 5 rounds (rest as needed btw rounds)


Archer Push Up (Version 1, 2 &3):

  • Knees on ground (knees/feet together)
  • Bent elbow stays close to body while straight arm reaches laterally as far as possible on each rep
  • Version 1: Hips stay over knees 
  • Version 2: Hips in front of knees (body more extended)
  • Version 3: Body in full plank.  Maintain hollow body position throughout 
  • Slow controlled reps

Rep Scheme: 5 reps each side x 5 rounds (rest as needed btw rounds)


Inchworm Fall Outs & Scaled Version:

  • Knees/feet together 
  • Maintain hollow body position throughout each rep (no loss of lower back position)
  • Arms remain shoulder width (middle finger to outside of shoulder) on each descent
  • Straight arm circle back to push up position to complete rep

Rep Scheme: 10 reps x 3 rounds (rest as needed)



Press Drag to Fall Out (From Knees):

  • Knees on slider (knees/feet together)
  • Arms fully extended overhead. Pull body forward into plank and lower back to ground while maintaining hollow.
  • From Knees Version: Work to keep elbows as locked as possible on the initial pull to hollow.  Slight bend will be likely, especially when starting.
  • From Toes Version: Pull can happen with bent elbow to initiate action. 
  • Decent with straight elbows if possible without compromising body position 

Rep Scheme (from knees): 10 reps x 3 rounds (rest as needed)

Rep Scheme (from toes): 5 reps x 3 rounds (rest as needed)


Wall Hip Bridge Extensions:

  • Shoulders/arms on ground (hands flat on ground)
  • Feet on sliders.  Bring hips up to sky as high as possible with each rep.  Focus on active glutes and hamstrings at peak position
  • Knees remain straight. Feet together throughout 
  • Can perform one leg at a time as well 
  • Slow controlled reps

Rep Scheme: 10 reps x 5 rounds (rest as needed)


Handstand Shoulder Rocks:

  • Stomach to Wall.  Rock from shoulders forward/back with slow controlled pace
  • Body must remain in solid hollow throughout all ranges. No arching or loss of lower 1/2 position
  • Heels/feet together and knees locked out
  • Hands shoulder width (middle finger to outside of shoulders) and head neutral

Rep Scheme: 5 rocks in each direction (slow and controlled) x 5 rounds (rest as needed)


Traveling Mountain Climbers:

  • Knees deep into chest while walking forward/back
  • Maintain hollow body positioning throughout 
  • Controlled pace. Speed is less important than form

Rep Scheme: 15ft forward/back x 3 rounds (rest as needed btw rounds)


Tuck/Pike In Push Ups:

  • Complete full range push up prior to bringing knees/feet into compression
  • Elbows in towards body on each push up (no elbows away from body)
  • Maintain hollow/straight body on all reps
  • Knees as deep into chest with tuck variation.  Feet as close to hands as possible on pike variation…knees must remain locked out.
  • Controlled pace. Speed is less important than form

Rep Scheme: 10 reps x 3 rounds (rest as needed)